Friday, October 23, 2009

Warning: Running Might be Contagious

The gene pool in my family was not kind to my sister or me.

Between the four kids in my family - my two brothers, my sister, and me - my brothers got the good stuff. Long eyelashes, fast metabolism, perfect teeth, all the things my sister and I would kill for. Not fair. Come on, tell me, what boy needs long eyelashes?

Its just par for the course that my brothers are totally athletic. They rock climb, run, bike, you name it. My sister and me? Well... not so much.

So this morning, I cannot describe the excitement I felt inside when I received the following email from my sis:

To: Jenn
From: Kimberlea
Subject: I am finally doing it...

I am going to do this 5K on Halloween!

Well, I'll be! I am so proud of her. This will be my little sis' first 5K. I wish so much that I can be there to cheer her on. Or better yet, run with her.

A few months ago, I was visiting Kimberlea in Chicago. Over the course of my visit, we'd been taking about running and how much I'd been loving it. We had a few hours to kill before she took me to the airport and we were trying to figure out what to do.

After the usual exchange - "what do you want to do?" ... "I don't know, what do you want to do?" Kimberlea had an idea - "Will you go with me to the running store?" OF COURSE!

That day, Kimberlea got herself a pair of running shoes and some cute running outfits (For these sisters, cute outfits are a must. If you're going to do this, you've gotta do it in style!) and she vowed to start training.

On Saturday, October 31, Kimberlea will run her first race. I cannot begin to tell you about how proud I am of her. Despite the fact that these two sisters were passed over when our family tree was handing out athletic genes, we are going for it anyway.

Kimberlea - I wish you an amazing run on Saturday, October 31, 2009. Although I will not be there in person cheering you on, I will be there in spirit, running right beside you.

1 comment:

  1. GOOOOOOOOOOOO KIMBERLEA!!!!! We will be routin' you on from VA! Whoo hooo!
