I have probably gotten a bit too big for my britches. I've been walking around for the past few months thinking that given the chance, I would have tried out and made my high school cross-country team. 3 miles, sheesh I can do that in my sleep.
I got a dose of reality this weekend when I actually went to a cross-country meet. Whatever I was smoking when I thought I could make a cross-country team was quickly put out as I watched the 7th and 8th graders (yes, these kids were not even in high school) run 5 and 6 minute miles, cross-country.
My husband's entire family converged upon Oklahoma City this past weekend for a family reunion. Item three on the agenda, right after lunch at Sushi Neko (Yes, sushi in Oklahoma City - guess what, it was awesome. Goes to show they can fly fish anywhere, even to Oklahoma) and shopping for some new cowboy boots (super cute black and white numbers) was cheering at Chandler's cross-country meet.
First off, let me tell you about Chandler. She is an amazing runner. She runs a six minute mile - sub-six when she tries. This, coupled with the fact that she is beautiful inside and out, you can't help but love her.
Second, let me tell you about this race. I can sum it up pretty quickly in three words: Mud, Cold, Wind.
Here we are, all of Chandler's family, braving the cold in borrowed rain boots and wrapped in blankets, cheering her on. Her instructions to us, "When I run past, tell me how far ahead I am of everyone else."
The gun goes off. I don't have to suffer in the mud, the cold, and the wind for long. Chandler runs past us at the half way point. We yell to her that she's logging a 2 minute 50 second half-mile. She's on target for a sub-six minute mile finish. She's so far ahead of the other girls, we don't even bother telling her. And then, just like that, the race is over. Chandler won first place. She hasn't even broken a sweat.
As we pack into warm SUVs and head back to Reunion HQ for some yummy Tex-Mex, I know in my heart, I've got a long way to go before I am a cross-country gal. Now that I see the competition, I know in my heart that if I tried out next week, I would never make the team. And I know in my heart, if I try real hard and train just right, maybe one day, when I grow up, I can be just like Chandler.

I bet you would be a great cross country runner if you didn't run in those blue boots!