A few years ago I was helping a friend of mine move. While helping her pack I came across a piece of paper where she had written down a list of her goals. Some of these were funny, like owning a pair of expensive shoes. Others were serious, professional goals. On this list : Run a Marathon.
From time to time, I've thought about that list of goals. I don't care to own expensive shoes (I'd rather have an expensive purse!) and my professional goals differ from hers. However, I always thought it was cool that she wanted to run a marathon. I wished I could run a marathon. I knew it would never happen. I'm just not athletic.
Then I got the push.
So I have to ask you. What is your secret goal? What is it that you dream of doing but you are afraid to try?
Think about it.
Next to my training schedule on my fridge, I have a few quotes, my simple inspirations:
"If we did the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves."
~ Thomas Edison
"You decide what it is you want to accomplish and then you lay out your plans to get there, and then you just do it. It's pretty straightforward."For me, those quotes sum up the way I feel about my secret goal. I had no idea what I was capable of. I had no idea that I could run a block, let alone a half marathon or more. I decided that one day I was going to do it. I laid out my plans, and I'm doing it. You're right, Nancy, it is pretty straightforward. You're right Thomas, I have literally astounded myself.
~ Nancy Ditz, Olympic gold medalist
Whether your dream goal is like mine, to run a marathon, or if it is totally different - applying for that job, going back to school, starting a family, making a move - You may literally astound yourself.
So here is your push.
Go on. I dare you.
A truly inspiring piece. Not many people get to achieve their goals. I have no doubt that you will!