Saturday, November 7, 2009

I'm Famous... Almost...Kinda

I had my first blogging-runner taste of fame last week. Yes, its true. I am famous, well, kinda famous... maybe a little bit?

I was the lucky blogger selected to be interviewed on "Open Mic Friday" on Runner's Lounge, an online resource, meet-up space, and blog for runners of all types. Each Friday, Runner's Lounge features a running blogger, asking them questions about their life, both running and otherwise.

Last Friday, on my birthday, I was that runner. I was lucky enough to be able to share my story - tell people why I run and who inspires me.

Since my interview, I've received emails from friends and strangers (aka - my new friends), sharing how Amy's story has inspired them. I cannot begin to tell you how happy that makes me - Like I said in my interview, if I can pass on the inspiration to just one person and get them out there and running, I'll consider myself to have paid it forward.

Amy blessed me with the inspiration to get out there, become a runner, and get healthy. The Runner's Lounge gave me the opportunity to share that inspiration with others.

Just in case you missed it, here's the link -

Thank you, Runner's Lounge, what a wonderful birthday present.


  1. You are famous!! :-)

    Just read your post about running on the ship...good for you! Doing repeat laps like that definitely helps build the mental toughness, which is absolutely needed on marathon day!

  2. That's very cool! Congratulations on the interview.
