1) Buy cute (and of course it winds up being expensive) running clothes, shoes, and gadgets. Since you just dropped your monthly mortgage payment on the "necessities," you have to run so you can use them. Items that I absolutely have to have:
- My Garmin Forerunner 405 - this watch does it all. It tracks my pace, my distance, the calories I burn and my heart rate. You can also program the watch to provide you with a "virtual partner" that races you. I'm forever trying to beat my watch.
- My ipod shuffle - I could never run 10 miles without background music.
- My water bottle - I used to think I didn't need this. After running 15 minutes in 90 degree heat, I realized I do. Plus its pink, so I love it even more.
- My subscription to Runners World magazine - actually, its not really my subscription, its my husband's. When I was a non-runner, I used to read it and think, "These people are crazy. They like running so much they devote a whole magazine to it." Now, I read it cover to cover as soon as it comes in the mail. I've actually gotten a lot of good tips from the articles. And I've also come to the conclusion that no matter what, I'll never be even close to as crazy about running as most of the people that write for that magazine.
2) Tell everyone you know that you have committed to run a marathon. They hold you responsible. Pretty soon, the first thing people will say to you when they see you is "How's the marathon training going?" (Thanks for reminding me that I have to run 5 miles in 92 degree heat tonight. Its going great.)
3) Sign up for every race you can. 5Ks, 10Ks, 10 milers, they keep you working towards the prize.- My go to site to find potential races in the D.C. Metro Area - http://www.runwashington.com/.
- My go to site to find potential races in other states (hey, if I can swing a vacay out of running a race, I'm going to try) - http://www.runningintheusa.com/.
My gear, my races and my friends keep me hitting the pavement week after week. And you know what? I'm actually getting kind of good at it.
This is the best running blog I have followed. I look forward to reading your entries every day! They are entertaining,educational and interesting. Keep up the good work!